Items included in virtual teacher setup: Surge Protector, HP Monitor, HDMI cable, Dell Port Replicator and power adapter, Solo Spark Hovercam (or IPEVO Document Camera from your classroom if you already have one), Webcam, and Headset
1. Headset plug
2. USB port for Solo Spark Hovercam
3. Dell Port Replicator power adaptor port
4. HDMI port for monitor
5. Display Port for extra monitor
6. Cable coming out the side of the port replicator is the USB cable that connects to your laptop or chromebook
The HDMI cable plugs into port # 8 from the screenshot above on the monitor and into port # 4 on the back of the port replicator.
The USB cable plugs into the blue port on the Solo Spark Hovercam or the IPEVO Document Camera and port # 2 on the front of the port replicator.