1:1 Optional Insurance Program


What is the optional insurance program?

The optional insurance program is an opportunity for parents to pay into an insurance pool offered by Midland Public Schools to help parents deal with the costs associated with student-caused damage to a district 1:1 device. We know that these unexpected costs can be daunting, and it is our hope that this can provide a consistent, more budgetable approach to device damage for everyone.

Where can I find a copy of the current year device agreement?

The current student device agreement was emailed out by the main office of your student's school this summer. It is also included in the enrollment package given to all new students/families. If we somehow missed getting the form to you, it may be downloaded from here.

What is the cost to replace a 1:1 device?

The replacement cost for a complete device is $239.00 currently. That price can change depending on pricing from the vendor, but the current pricing is currently good through the end of 2020. In the past it has been extended throughout the bulk of the year by our vendors, however there is no guarantee that this will happen.

What is covered by the insurance program and what is not?

Covered by the District at No Cost to the Parent

If a device fails due to a manufacturing defect, normal device failure, or normal wear and tear, this would include, but is not limited to, things like a battery replacement at the end of its life, the storage system failing due to mechanical failure, a motherboard failure due to a defect in manufacturing, these failures would be covered entirely by the district as we have been doing since the start of the 1:1 program in Fall 2015.

Covered by the Insurance

If the machine is damaged by the student accidentally that is where the insurance comes into play. This damage would include, but is not limited to, broken exterior and interior parts due to dropping, liquid damage, broken screens, keys peeled off the keyboard, and punctured/gouged trackpads.

Not Covered

Lost or damaged power adapters are not covered. Damage caused intentionally or through gross negligence is not covered.

What do repairs cost for different standard repairs?

Costs for many of the standard repairs that we conduct are included in the link below. Please note that the prices listed are merely parts which we charge at our cost. The prices do not include labor which we charge $15.00/hour with a one-hour minimum. The prices will also change as the prices the district is charged have changed frequently due to supply, demand, and tariffs.

Current repair part prices can be found here.

What are the fees associated with the 1:1 device optional insurance program?


For non-Free and Reduced families, the insurance premium for the 2020-2021 year is $25.00 per student. This is an annual fee if you opt into the insurance.

For Free and Reduced families, the insurance premium for the 2020-2021 year is $10.00 for the first student and $20.00 for the family. This is an annual fee if you opt into the insurance.

Please note - The free-reduced rate is only available if a current Free-Reduced Lunch Application is on file with MPS.


Co-pays are levied on a per-student, per-incident basis. For the first incident, the co-pay is $25.00. For the second incident, the co-pay is $50.00. For the third and subsequent incidents, the family is responsible for the total cost of the repair or replacement of the device, whichever is cheaper.

Please note - damage caused intentionally or through gross negligence is not covered under the insurance program and would be billed at the cost of the repair or the replacement of the device, whichever is cheaper.

What happens if my student's device is stolen?

  • In the case of theft, a police report must be filed, and a copy provided to MPS prior to a replacement device being issued. The replacement device will be issued at no cost to the family.

If I choose not to opt into the insurance this year, can I change my mind in the future?

There will be an open enrollment period every school year that will last from July 1 through the 2nd Friday after the start of school. During this period, parents can opt in or out of the insurance program for the coming year.

Who decides if damage is intentional or through gross negligence and what do I do if I disagree with the determination?

If damage appears to be caused intentionally or through gross negligence, an investigation will be conducted by the school to determine the source of the damage in consultation with the District's Technology Support Team.

If damage is found to be through gross negligence or caused intentionally and you would like to dispute that finding, contact the Director of Technology, Dave Dziedzic, (989) 923-5127 or dziedzicda@midlandps.org and he will review the investigation and the parent request and provide a decision.

Appeal of the decision by the Director of Technology will be heard by the Associate Superintendent of Administration, Student Services, and Innovative Programs. This role is currently held by Mr. Jeff Jaster who can be reached at jasterjd@midlandps.org or (989) 923-5018. The decision by the Associate Superintendent of Administration, Student Services and Innovative Programs is final.



Article ID: 117838
Wed 10/7/20 2:34 PM
Mon 11/2/20 7:35 AM