Raptor Emergency Management - Updating Your Students' Status and Location


These directions include how to update your students' status and location for the web interface and through the mobile app.  These steps should be done after updating your own status and Location


Web interface

  1. Under the Quick Tasks, Select Access my rosters option

    Raptor Drill/Emergency Web Home Screen
  2. Select the Blue Select button next to the Roster that you want. 

    Note: Elementary teachers will select the Homeroom Roster while the Secondary teachers will choose the hour in which the drill/emergency is occurring

    Raptor Emergency/Drill Roster List screen
  3. Check the boxes to the left of the students' name to select each student you are accounting for. 

    Note: Only check the boxes for the students that have the same Status and Location. For example, students that are "Present" and have the location of your classroom.  You will repeat these steps again to mark students absent, missing or injured.

    Raptor Drill/Emergency Roster List screen
  4. Select the Blue Update Status & Location button at the top of the Student List
  5. Select the Status of the Students that were selected in step 4 and select the Blue Update button

    Raptor Drill/Emergency Status screen
  6. For the Statuses of Accounted for and injured, you will then be asked to choose a location and select the Blue Update button

    Raptor Drill/Emergency Location Screen
  7. Repeat steps 4-7 until all your students have a Status and Location



Mobile App

On the right in the attachment box, you will find a video that shows the screens in the Mobile App

  1. Assuming that you followed the directions on Updating your own status and location, you should be at the My Profile & Roster screen of the Raptor app
  2. From the My Profile & Roster screen, select the View Roster button

    Raptor Emergency/Drill My Profile and Roster screen
  3. Select the Roster that you want

    Note: Elementary teachers will select the Homeroom Roster while the Secondary teachers will choose the hour in which the drill/emergency is occurring
  4. Check the boxes to the left of the students' name to select each student that have the same status.  

    Note: Only check the boxes for the students that have the same Status and Location. For example, students that are "Present" and have the location of your classroom.  You will repeat these steps again to mark students absent, missing or injured.
  5. Select the Status button at the bottom of the screen

    Raptor Emergency/Drill Student List screen
  6. Select the correct status for the students that you have selected in step 4.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 with each type of attendance status until all your students have a status

    Note: Leave any students without a status if you don't know where they are.  Other staff members can take attendance for your students if the students are in their presence.
  8. For students with a status of 'Accounted for' and 'Injured' you will have to indicate their location.
  9. Select the check boxes next to the students with the same location and select the Location button at the bottom screen
  10. Select from the pre-populated list of locations. If your location isn't listed, select the Location no listed option, type in your location and select the add location icon 

