How to submit an emergency ticket


The step by step rundown on how Emergency tickets operate along with when and how to submit them.


Sometimes, it is necessary to submit a ticket for an incident that impacts a large number of people and would also prevent work from being completed for these people if not addressed. The incident could also be something that impacts a mission-critical service such as payroll, state or federal reporting, or a compliance issue. Tickets in these instances fall under the emergency category. 

An emergency ticket needs to be entered when the following is true:

  1. IMPACT "A Building or More"
  2. URGENCY "Work cannot be completed"

"A Building or More" refers to an issue completely affecting an entire building or more. This also includes issues that would affect the entire district. This does not include issues such as a single printer outage. While multiple people would be affected, this would still be categorized as "A Group" instead, and while important isn't an emergency due to the existence of other printers. 

"Work cannot be completed" refers to situations where work truly cannot be completed. Examples of this would be if your entire building has lost network connectivity, Synergy is down for the district, payroll will not post, or phone lines are down.

To submit an emergency ticket, do the following: 


Call 35119 and we can help troubleshoot the situation and enter an emergency ticket if necessary. 


When submitting a ticket through the MPS Support Desk system TDX at, fill out your information in the ticket. You will be able to set the "Impact" and "Urgency" values directly. Please be accurate when setting these values and do not game the system to try to get a faster response than is warranted. Do not change the "Priority" value as the built-in programming determines its value. To submit the ticket as an emergency, set the "Impact" field to "A Building or More" and set the "Urgency" to "Work cannot be completed," which will automatically set the "Priority" to "Emergency."



Article ID: 159860
Wed 1/24/24 1:17 PM
Fri 2/2/24 11:30 AM