Intouch is replacing SchoolMessenger to send messages to Students, Parents, and Staff.
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- Navigate to the Intouch website (link is also in the MPS Bookmarks > Administrative folder)
- Select Sign in with Google button on the log in screen
- Select the Notification List button
- Select the -- Template -- Building Name Notification. Wait until the line is highlighted in Yellow
- Select the Duplicate button at the bottom of the Notification list
- Add a Name in the Name field of the Notification
- Change the Type field based on the intended recipients. Note: Student, Parents, and Staff is the default Type. If the notification is intended for Parents and Staff, select Parents and Staff from the drop-down
- Select the Recipients tab, and select Use student database or Use groups. Note: both checkboxes shouldn't be checked
- Use student database - Gives you the ability to choose individual students/parents or specific classes
- When this check box is checked, the Query tab becomes available and you can use this tab to filter specific classes or specific students/parents
- Use groups - Gives you the ability to select all students by grade (or all parents by student grade), all building staff, or all building students/parents
- Additional Recipients field - You can add more emails if you have specific people who need to receive the list that aren't included in the recipient list from Step 8. Please leave Katie Guyer and Sarah Duley's email addresses in this field.
- Select the Schedule Tab
- Run Once - Set Date and time message should be sent out. Note: End Time should be at least an hour after Start Time
- Run Now - Send the notification right away. Note: Run For: should remain 1 hour
- Run Daily - Send the notification every day based on the Start/End Dates and the days of the week
- Select the Messages tab
- Select the Email line in the grid Wait until the line is highlighted in Yellow
- Select the Edit button
- Change the Subject text
- Remove the [input message here before auto-translating] text and add the message you want.
- If you want to see what the message will look like, Select the Preview button
- When the message is done, Select the Save Message button
- Select the English message line from the grid, wait until the line is highlighted in Yellow, and then select the Translate button. This translates your message into all languages reported as a Home Language in Synergy.
- Select Save button
- Select the Yes button to send the message based on the schedule you selected in Step 10
- Once the message is sent, you will get an email with a report of who received the message
If this does not solve your problem, click the Submit a Request button at the top of this page