

Edulink is the district's mass communication system, consisting of several individual applications. Detailed information can be found on Edulink's website.

InTouch is Edulinks mass communication tool for sending news letters, district announcements, etc.

Relay is Edulinks chat-like two-way messaging application allowing district staff instant communication with students and parents.

Information Required

Please provide the following information in this request form:

  • Preferred contact method
  • Preferred time frame to best contact you

IT Staff Responsible for Service

Level 1 Support - Help Desk

The help desk is the first step in receiving help and is responsible for the following tasks

  • Determining if the issue a browser, network, device, or data issue.
  • How many people are affected by the problem.
  • Determining if the service or incident description complete enough to forward to Level 2 support if needed.
  • Escalating to Level 2 when needed.

Level 2 Support

System Analyst - Data, user accounts, missing courses, basic usage, etc.

System Engineer - Advanced browser, network or device issues.

Technology and Media Curriculum Specialist - Instructional and content support.

Level 3 Support

Some problems or issues are beyond the control or knowledge of the MPS Support team and require direct support from the vendor. 

Other Information about this Service


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