FIleserver, Printing, Domain Access Problems

Devices: Windows Laptops


Unable to print or get to Network shares.
(Domain is not available)
Tech unable to attach via Bomgar

Cause:  Direct Access Client on machine is not working properly and has Highjacked the connection not allowing it to access directory.Steps.

1. If Bomgar unable to attach talk them thru getting IP address of machine.
Network in lower right corner. get properties  IP address
Attach with Bomgar via IP address instead of Hostname

.2. Check U and V drives for availability
If not available then

3. Using either Hostname (MPSXXXXXX) or IP address
Connect to device via Bomgar.

4.  Make sure you have administrative rights (From original directions a NON issue with a Bomgar you are already there

5.  Remove all keys below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DnsClient\DnsPolicyConfig

Restart machine

​​​​​​​Check U and V drive.  associated issues will be cleared up with DNS working evidenced by U and V drive accessible. Test printing.


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