Who decides if damage is intentional or through gross negligence and what do I do if I disagree with the determination?

Asked by Traci Chamberlain on Tue 4/20/21 11:16 AM Last edited Tue 4/20/21 11:16 AM
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Traci Chamberlain Tue 4/20/21 11:17 AM

If damage appears to be caused intentionally or through gross negligence, an investigation will be conducted by the school to determine the source of the damage in consultation with the District's Technology Support Team.

If damage is found to be through gross negligence or caused intentionally and you would like to dispute that finding, contact the Director of Technology, Dave Dziedzic, (989) 923-5127 or dziedzicda@midlandps.org and he will review the investigation and the parent request and provide a decision.

Appeal of the decision by the Director of Technology will be heard by the Associate Superintendent of Administration, Student Services and Innovative Programs . This role is currently held by Mr. Jeff Jaster who can be reached at jasterjd@midlandps.org or (989) 923-5018. The decision by the Associate Superintendent of Administration, Student Services and Innovative Programs is final.

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