What are the fees associated with the 1:1 device optional insurance program?

Asked by Traci Chamberlain on Tue 4/20/21 11:21 AM
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Traci Chamberlain Tue 4/20/21 11:21 AM


For non-Free and Reduced families the insurance premium for the 2020-2021 year is $25.00 per student. This is an annual fee if you opt in to the insurance.

For Free and Reduced families the insurance premium for the 2020-2021 year is $10.00 for the first student and $20.00 for the family. This is an annual fee if you opt in to the insurance.

Please note - The free-reduced rate is only available if a current Free-Reduced Lunch Application is on file with MPS.


Co-pays are levied on a per-student, per-incident basis. For the first incident, the co-pay is $25.00. For the second incident, the co-pay is $50.00. For the third and subsequent incidents, the family is responsible for the total cost of the repair or replacement of the device, whichever is cheaper.

Please note - damage caused intentionally or through gross negligence is not covered under the insurance program and would be billed at the cost of the repair or the replacement of the device, whichever is cheaper.

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