Where can I find a copy of the current year device agreement?

Asked by Traci Chamberlain on Tue 4/20/21 11:24 AM
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Traci Chamberlain Tue 4/20/21 11:25 AM Last edited Tue 8/17/21 1:53 PM

The current student device agreement was emailed out by the main office of your student's school this summer. It is also included in the enrollment package given to all new students/families. If we somehow missed getting the form to you, it may be downloaded from here.

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Colleen French Tue 8/23/22 4:23 PM

Looking for the current link for Device links 22-23, many parents are asking for the link to the form or the updated information on where it is located. 

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22-23 can be found at the following link https://www.midlandps.org/student-acceptable-use-policy
- Traci Chamberlain Thu 9/29/22 6:50 AM