Literacy Footprints

Vendor Information

Detailed vendor information can be found at

Literacy Footprints is a literacy system to support guided reading. The subscription was purchased by Midland Public Schools in the fall of 2020.


Access Literacy Footprints by visiting

Students and Teacher log into the site using their MPS user name and password.

Midland Public Schools Support

Midland Public Schools provides limited support related to connectivity only.

If you are experiencing issues with your device connecting to Literacy Footprints, please submit a service request.

If you are experiencing an issue with features within the Literacy Footprints website or system, please contact Literacy Footprints Support.

Student Rosters

Student rosters are maintained by the Literacy Specialists and/or Classroom Teachers.


A building wide license was purchased for each elementary school and the Virtual Academy.


MPS Licensing Contact: Elementary Curriculum Office

Click Here to Submit a Request

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