Swank K-12 Streaming provides a curated collection of top educational films which are click-and-play ready in our district’s new streaming library. Teachers are also able to search the entire library of films and request new films be added to the collection. New film requests are automatically emailed to the district’s Procurement Team for review and approval in keeping with the limit of new films that can be added to the district collection per year.
How it works:
To access the MPS Swank streaming film library, go to the Swank Streaming Portal URL or go to Clever to log in and select the Swank icon.
Log in to Swank using your MPS Gmail account login and password.
The core collection is rated G to PG-13
Search the Swank library by typing in the title of a film OR use the search filter to select by Rating, Subjects & Themes, Foreign Language Films, or Release Decade, etc.
Another option to help narrow down the search for film titles is to open a new tab: go to this link: categories to search by categories such as Feature Films, Documentaries, Foreign Films, or go to this link: elementary, middle, or high school collections. Find the title of the film that you want to watch or assign to students, go back to the MPS Swank Streaming Portal, and type the title in the search bar to find and then select the film.
After a film is selected, the teacher can either play/watch from the teacher’s device/projector in the classroom or assign a film to students to watch.
To assign a film to students to watch, select the share option found on the movie page to share the direct link or embed/insert the link on a Canvas page.
Detailed instructions can be found here: Swank Streaming Teacher Guide
Teacher login information should never be shared with students as you have different permissions than they do.
Students do NOT have direct access to the Swank video library. They only have access to the videos that are assigned by their teacher.
Having access to the Swank K-12 Streaming library does NOT mean that all of the videos available in the library are district-approved. The use of any video media that is used with students must take into account the age and development level of the students, appropriateness of the content, the connection of the content to the curriculum and the enhancement and advancement of instructional objectives, and when parental permission is required.
If a film or program carries a certain rating per the MPAA or per TV Rating Guide parental permission may be required and parents may opt students out of viewing the content and students will be given an alternate activity.
Parent permission document- Please make a copy.
Information Required
Please provide the following information in this request form:
- Preferred contact method
- Preferred time frame to best contact you
IT Staff Responsible for Service
Level 1 Support - Help Desk
The help desk is the first step in receiving help and is responsible for the following tasks
- Determining if the issue a browser, network, device, or data issue
- How many people are affected by the problem
- Determining if the service or incident description complete enough to forward to Level 2 support if needed
- Escalating to Level 2 when needed
Level 2 Support
System Engineer - Advanced browser, network or device issues.
Technology and Media Curriculum Specialist - Instructional and content support.
Level 3 Support
Some problems or issues are beyond the control or knowledge of the MPS Support team and require direct support from the vendor.
Other Information about this Service