Tags Mi-STAR


The Next Generation Science Standards promote a vision for science education in which students learn science and engineering by doing science and engineering—like real-life scientists and engineers.

Mi-STAR is a middle school curriculum that supports both the NGSS and the Michigan State Standards, while empowering students to use science and engineering practices to address real-world issues.  

Website: https://mi-star.mtu.edu/

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IT Staff Responsible for Service

Level 1 Support - Help Desk

The help desk is the first step in receiving help and is responsible for the following tasks

  • Determining if the issue a browser, network, device, or data issue
  • How many people are affected by the problem
  • Determining if the service or incident description complete enough to forward to Level 2 support if needed
  • Escalating to Level 2 when needed

Level 2 Support

System Analyst - Data, user accounts, missing courses, basic usage, etc.

System Engineer - Advanced browser, network or device issues.

Technology and Media Curriculum Specialist - Instructional and content support.

Level 3 Support

Some problems or issues are beyond the control or knowledge of the MPS Support team and require direct support from the vendor. 


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