Using the printers to Scan to Email/Home Directory/Google Drive

**These directions work on all printers except the Xerox D95s and the Xerox 7800 model 

  1. Scan your badge to log into the printer.  You may have to wake up the printer first by pressing the home button
  2. Select the Scan button

  3. Select 1 of the 3 options depending on the destination of the scanned document

    1. Email

    2. Home Directory

    3. Google Drive - files will be saved in a folder called ‘Scans for Papercut MF'

  1. Each option gives you the ability to change some settings and you can change the name of the document by editing the filename text box.

  2. If you are using the top feeder for your document, uncheck the box “prompt for more pages” - this option is for documents that you put on the glass.
  3. Press the Start button to scan your document
    1. The first time you use the Google Drive option, you will get an email asking you to authorize Papercut MF to connect to your Google Drive.  There will be a button in the email to Login to Google Drive.  Select this button and log in if needed and select the Allow button to authorize this.  Papercut will then deliver the scanned document to your Google Drive.
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