Canvas - Assignments & gradebook follow up information

I am writing this message in response to a few questions that have come my way regarding Canvas assignments.

I hope the information below will help to clarify why some assignments may not show up in the marking period view in the Canvas gradebook.

If there is not a due date entered for a Canvas assignment you may have difficulty viewing the assignment in the gradebook. The reason this occurs is that every assignment is associated with a marking period start and end date and semester start and end date (similar to TAC assignment dates within a marking period/semester). 

Without a due date, the assignment will not be associated with a particular marking period or semester and the marking period and semester grades will not calculate properly and cannot be viewed/associated with a particular marking period (grading period).

These assignments have not disappeared as it may seem, rather, they are there, but not associated with a marking period/semester. 

To resolve this issue you can edit the assignment and add a due date as long as this correction is done prior to the end of the marking period close/semester close date. 

Alternatively, if you do not correct the assignment by adding a due date, you can still view, grade and edit the assignments (until the marking period/semester grades are closed). By following the instructions below.

Go to your Canvas course select Grades from the course menu. In the Gradebook, select “View”, “Filter”, then select “ Grading Periods”.

grading periods AA.PNG


Next, go to the upper right of the gradebook screen to the drop-down menu and select “All Grading Periods”. Once this selection is made the assignments without due dates can be viewed, graded and edited. 

(Please note, that if a due date is not entered for an assignment the final marking period and semester grade will not calculate properly).  


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